
"Because there is something you have to protect, because there is a reason you can not die that enables you live on, those are foolish fantasies of the weak." - Rippling Ophelia

Jean is Claymore No. 9 of Clare's generation. Jean is an offensive fighter. Her "Drill Sword" technique, based on storing energy by twisting her arm and releasing it in one burst, is said
to be the most destructive and fastest among her peers. She is serious and strictly honorable.

Undine is Claymore No. 11 of Clare's generation. She originated the technique of using two
swords, earning her the nickname "Undine of the Twin Swords" (双剣のウンディーネ, "Sōken no Undīne"). Deneve later takes up Undine's sword after her death

Veronica is Claymore No. 13 of Clare's generation.

Flora is Claymore No. 8 of Clare's generation. Her nickname is "Windcutter Flora" (風斬りのフローラ, Kazekiri no Furōra), after her lightning-fast sword drawing technique. It is considered to be the fastest draw of any Claymore.
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